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    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    Letter to Cousin about PR.

    Dear Cousin,

    I wanted to take a second and shoot you a quick note about public relations and all that goes along with it. In a short definition public relations is the management of communications from a company to the public.
    The great part of pr are the many different uses to motivate outside groups as well as inside employees to give all the current up to date information.
    One of the most important types of PR come from the finical world when companies need to report there earnings and projected growth to the finical industry. The financial group would be in charge of compiling and distributing the info to wall street after every quarter. This information is usually put together prior to a presentation to the shareholders after each quarter.
    Pr has grown quite a pit recently due to the boom in social media out puts like twitter, facebook, and blogs. This helps companies distribute information quickly and in a very cost effective manor. These social media sites also help quite a bit with isolating demographics and distributing the information in the most effective way.
    Overall PR is the heartbeat of communications and really goes without saying how important it is to keep the shareholders of any company happy with undated information.

    Hope this helps.



    Tyson B. said...

    That is an awesome post Zane and it taught me a lot about what PR actually does. Sometimes I wonder how much I actually know about it, so that was a great help.

    whitneytae said...

    Great post! It was very informative. However, spell check and grammar could definitely use some help! Make sure to look over your work before you publish it!

    Zane said...

    spell and grammar check are over rated whit ;)