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    Monday, February 22, 2010

    Press Release 2: Image Managment

    For Immediate Release:
    February 17, 2010
    Mr. James E. Muellenbach III, CEO
    Gary, IN
    Burger Planet

    Burger Chain is Now One of the Healthiest.
    Jayne Petersen, trainer to the stars, now fully endorses.

    Gary, Indian- Burger Planet is now endorsed by Opal Whitcombs personal trainer Jayne Petersen after a new line up of low calorie food is released.

    CEO Mr. James Muellenbach has released what is considered one of the best low calorie menus around. Mr. Muellenbach said “We are now offering a great variety of options ranging from a white meat chicken breast wrapped in lettuce and apple slices for a side to minimize calorie intake yet still satisfying.”

    This new menu is revolutionizing the industry while making sure to keep the cities where are chains are located happy and healthy. Jayne Petersen will be shown in several ads showing the importance of a healthy diet and some great tips on ordering smart from Burger Planet.

    Another aspect to shake the fast food industry up is the offering of half orders for most popular items off the menu, so for those who like the great taste of Burger Planets ordinal meals. This will make eating out much more friendly to those on a diet.

    Jayne Petersen said, "Burger Planet has been a leader in the Quick Service Restaurant industry in offering healthy menu choices. The company believes in encouraging customers to live healthier, active lifestyles and I have spent my life trying to teach women that lesson."

    Whether you are in the mood for a traditional Burger Planet burger or a low calorie option you now have everything you need in one stop.

    Muellenbach I founded Burger Planet in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1934. Since then the restaurant has been committed to putting its customer’s first, while becoming one of the fastest emerging food chains. Muellenbach believes that “with the wider variety of healthy options they now offer, the restaurant will continue to grow and promote a healthier lifestyle among customers.”

    Zane Buxton
    Head Communications Manager
    Burger Planet
    Gary, Indiana

    Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    Press Release 2: Draft

    Immediate Publication

    February 17, 2010
    Mr. James E. Muellenbach III, CEO
    (878) 345-2341
    Gary, Indian
    Burger Planet

    Burger Chain is endorsed by Jayne Petersen, Trainer of the Stars.

    Gary, Indian- Burger Planet is now endorsed by Opal Whitcombs personal trainer Jayne Petersen after a new line up of low calorie food is released.

    CEO Mr. James Muellenbach has released what is considered one of the best low calorie menus around. Mr. Muellenbach said “We are now offering a great variety of options ranging from a white meat chicken breast wrapped in lettuce and apple slices for a side to minimize calorie intake yet still satisfying.”

    This new menu is revolutionizing the industry while making sure to keep the cities where are chains are located happy and healthy. Jayne Petersen will be shown in several ads showing the importance of a healthy diet and some great tips on ordering smart from Burger Planet.

    Another aspect to shake the fast food industry up is the offering of half orders for most popular items off the menu, so for those who like the great taste of Burger Planets ordinal meals. This will make eating out much more friendly to those on a diet.

    Jayne Petersen said, "Burger Planet has been a leader in the Quick Service Restaurant industry in offering healthy menu choices. The company believes in encouraging customers to live healthier, active lifestyles and I have spent my life trying to teach women that lesson."

    Whether you are in the mood for a traditional Burger Planet burger or a low calorie option you now have everything you need in one stop.

    Zane Buxton
    Head Communications Manager
    Burger Planet
    Gary, Indiana

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    JCOM 2310-Business Letter

    February 16, 2010

    Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
    C/O Keith Wandell, CEO
    Milwaukee, WI,
    United States

    Dear Mr. Wandell,

    I wanted to commend your dealers on the hard work that is consistently being done to ensure the best possible customer service.

    I recently went into your Saddleback Harley-Davidson dealer in Logan, UT and had one of the best experiences one could ask for from a motorcycle dealer. I was greeted by name when entering after only being in on one other occasion, this made me feel like I wasn’t just a number to this dealer. This was followed by a several minute conversation about my life and how every thing was going, without any pushy sales tactics.

    After all of the pleasantries were done I was able to ask several questions about my newly purchased bike without the feeling of taking up to much of there time. Your sales man, Aaron Wilson, spent well over an hour answering questions for me about a new motorcycle that I hadn’t purchased at his store but a competitor.

    With this kind of customer service and business ethic I will be certain to always purchase my following bikes from this dealer. I commend you on Harley’s attention to detail with its dealers and the great service that is provided at each of them.

    Please let me know if you would like to talk more on the topic, I have attached my contact information.


    Zane Buxton
    136 Penny Lane
    Logan, UT 84341
    (435) 512-4643

    Sunday, February 14, 2010

    United Breaks Guitars

    This is the perfect example of how a PR nightmare starts. Dave Carroll was sitting on a United Airline flight and watched a airline baggage handler throw his Taylor guitar around on the tarmac as it was destroyed. Carroll then went to the airline after getting his broken guitar asking for reimbursement and this is where things went terribly wrong for United. Quickly after this mess with United Dave Carroll had uploaded a video singing about his ordeal which quickly had thousands of views on YouTube.

    Possibly one of the biggest mistakes the airline made was failing to create good communication internally. There was a large lack of communication between the different departments within United. As a PR professional, one should be aware of everything going on within the company- whether it is good information or bad so that you have the ability to correct it before it gets out of hand. Thus, it is essential to converse with public relations so they have a chance to “spin” the situation and avoid as much negative media exposure as possible. The internal PR group should have spent the time researching this through internal channels before it was leaked out. They should have contacted Dave Carroll and negotiated an agreement of some sort

    The interesting part about this is how Carroll gave the company several different warnings that he would be writing a song and posting online yet there was still nothing done. This is when a good PR representative would step in and try to quickly correct the problem to save the company the bad press. A good PR person is very familiar with the different types of free media outlets and how quickly you can have a storm of bad PR.

    Carroll’s song was everywhere in the media and he actually became famous because of this song. PR professionals should know better than anyone, the power that the internet can have on individuals. The social media influences everyone. People can interact with other people and connect on several sites such as, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, etc. People who work in public relations use these tools to promote a company, and thus are well aware of the fact that one single post, message, or song, can be seen by millions of people in just a short period of time. To me, it seems to be like a domino effect. If one person watches a YouTube video and writes “United Breaks Guitars” on their Facebook wall, others will follow. A good example of this is when someone sees a funny video it is quickly posted and shared among the social media sites.

    United Airline should have jumped on this opportunity from the start and stopped this before it was a problem. If United would have just taken the time to call Dave Carroll and get this take care of it could have saved the company large of amounts of money and bad publicity. This is an industry that currently is struggling in the first place so it should have been top priority to try and save their image. This will make many companies realize the importance of keeping good standing and providing great customer service to all.

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Press Release 1: Announcment

    Immediate Publication
    February 11, 2010
    Preston Parker, President
    Social Media Club of Cache Valley
    851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321

    Anyone who is Interested in Growth through Social Media is Invited

    Cache Valley- Social media group expanded to Cache Valley, UT in July 2009. Group founders brought this together after a meeting in Salt Lake with other regional Social Media Clubs and saw the importance of a local chapter to help promote social media among like minded business owners.

    Founder Preston Parker and other Utah State professionals brought this together to help “raise the awareness and help give social media the respect it deserves with up and coming businesses,” Preston said.

    The club meets every second Thursday of the month at different locations. Preston said, “We have been changing the locations to the company/host that provides the best services and in turn we give them a ton of positive publicity.”

    The next meeting will be a guest lecture by a semi-famous social media mogul who was called to Washington DC based on her personal entries in her blog. It will be held on Thurs Sept. 10, at 6:30 P.M. at Club New York located at 359 N. Main Street Logan, UT.

    The official membership site is where you can sign up for updates and stay current on all of the clubs meetings. Preston said, “We really want this to be set up to provide local business with a great form of free PR and show the importance of social media sights and business growth!”

    Contact Preston Parker for any further questions at 661-772-7537.

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    Draft Press Release 1: Announcement

    Immediate Publication

    February 8, 2010

    Preston Parker, President

    Social Media Club of Cache Valley

    851 N. Main St., Logan UT 84321



    Cache Valley- Social media group has expanded to Cache Valley, UT from San Francisco, CA in July 2009. Group Founder/President brought this together after a meeting in Salt Lake with other regional Social Media Clubs and saw the importance of a local chapter.

    Founder Preston Parker and other Utah State professionals brought this together to help “raise the awareness and help give social media the respect it deserves with up and coming businesses,” Preston said.

    The club meets every second Thursday of the month at different locations. Preston said, “We have been changing the locations to the company/host that provides the best services and in turn we give them a ton of positive publicity.”

    The official membership site is where you can sign up for updates and stay current on all of the clubs meetings. Preston said, “We really want this to be set up to provide local business with a great form of free PR and show the importance of social media sights and business growth!”

    Contact Preston Parker for any further questions at 661-772-7537.