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    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    JCOM 2310-Business Letter

    February 16, 2010

    Harley-Davidson Motorcycles
    C/O Keith Wandell, CEO
    Milwaukee, WI,
    United States

    Dear Mr. Wandell,

    I wanted to commend your dealers on the hard work that is consistently being done to ensure the best possible customer service.

    I recently went into your Saddleback Harley-Davidson dealer in Logan, UT and had one of the best experiences one could ask for from a motorcycle dealer. I was greeted by name when entering after only being in on one other occasion, this made me feel like I wasn’t just a number to this dealer. This was followed by a several minute conversation about my life and how every thing was going, without any pushy sales tactics.

    After all of the pleasantries were done I was able to ask several questions about my newly purchased bike without the feeling of taking up to much of there time. Your sales man, Aaron Wilson, spent well over an hour answering questions for me about a new motorcycle that I hadn’t purchased at his store but a competitor.

    With this kind of customer service and business ethic I will be certain to always purchase my following bikes from this dealer. I commend you on Harley’s attention to detail with its dealers and the great service that is provided at each of them.

    Please let me know if you would like to talk more on the topic, I have attached my contact information.


    Zane Buxton
    136 Penny Lane
    Logan, UT 84341
    (435) 512-4643

    1 comment:

    Tyson B. said...

    I liked this. That's awesome you showed harley your appreciation. What harley did you get? I have a victory 8-ball.