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    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    Press Release 3: Cause Promotion Final

    For Immediate Release:
    March 2, 2010
    Preston Parker, Founder
    Logan, Utah
    Cache Valley Area Investors Association

    People can be Happy Through Financial Independence.

    Logan, Utah—Local area group meets to gain knowledge on creating happiness through gaining there financial independence.

    Preston Parker, founder, got the group together to meet at the Cache Chamber of Commerce every other Thursday of the month. During these meetings Parker talks a lot about the importance of finding a job that you really love and the way to get this is gaining the financial resources so you aren’t relying only on this job.

    Parker says, “There are enough jobs out there that everyone should be doing something that they love.” The meetings are generally member driven and really give the group a chance to share what they know and the skills that have got them into a better financial situation. The group spends a great deal of the time in an open discussion format designed to help educate and increase the network of those that attend.

    The basic structure of this group is around passive and earned income. Passive income being the revenue stream that keeps coming in even while aren’t at work and really “puts your money to work to gain independence” says Parker, is what the group wants to see everyone accomplish. The end result is to have your passive income be higher than your living expenses and really giving you the freedom of employment choices.

    The group meets every other Thursday and usually has anywhere form 10-15 group members attend. Come out and learn the secrets of successful financial individuals.

    Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAIA) teaches people how to increase passive income. CVAIA embraces the Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, and Law of Exchange. They practice the methods found in the ideologies of books including Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Wealthy Barber, The Millionaire Next Door, Atlas Shrugged, The Automatic Millionaire, and The Secret. CVAIA began in August 2007 and now has members from many geographical locations and from all walks of life. The members come together with the same belief: that education mitigates the risks of investing.

    Zane Buxton
    Cache Valley Area Investors Association
    Head Communications Manager

    1 comment:

    whitneytae said...

    I really liked this press release. You really emphasized the important details. Great work!